Why Transcranial Radiofrequency Wave Treatment (TRFT) to extend human life span?

  1. TRFT has already been clinically shown to stop and reverse the cognitive decline of Alzheimer’s Disease (a major disease of aging) in small studies
  2. TRFT was given the first “Breakthrough” device designation by FDA against Alzheimer’s Disease
  3. TRFT treatment over a 2½ year period resulted in no development of any new age-related diseases in aged Alzheimer’s patients
  4. TRFT has been shown to be safe (no known side effects) over years of treatment
  5. TRFT is administered in-home through a bioengineered device (the MemorEM) that is self-contained, silent, and painless
  6. TRFT has multiple mechanisms of action that target many diseases of aging to likely increase “healthy” longevity. A primary mechanism of TRFT is to re-balance the immune system, which then dramatically decreases inflammation in both body and brain. All of the diseases of aging listed below involve inflammation and are thus potentially targeted by TRFT:
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Brain Cancer
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Chronic Kidney Disease
  • Arterial Hypertension
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Bacterial/Viral Infections
  • FTL Dementia
  • Body Cancers (e.g., lung)
  • Amyotophic Lat Sclerosis
  • IBD
  • Diabetes
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Lymphomas
  • Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Chronic Pain
  • LATE Dementia

TRFT research has now advanced to the point of warranting the first “Longevity Clinical Trials” in humans. Specifically, 5-month and 5-year controlled clinical trials with TRFT in aged normal individuals to determine if TRFT can reduce the occurrence/severity of age-related diseases, reverse biologic age, improve cognition, decrease inflammation, and extend human life/health span.